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Parents are encouraged to visit school frequently and actively participate in the education of their child as volunteers. For the protection of the students, we ask all visitors to report to the office upon entering the building Please do not go directly to the classroom. If you need to give your child a message, medication, homework, lunch money, or supplies, etc., please go to the office. Interrupting class hampers valuable instruction time. We request that parents avoid conferences with the teacher during these drop-in visits. It is more productive to schedule a mutually acceptable time for parent conferences. Students from other schools are not permitted to visit classes.
1. At the first PTO meeting of the new school year, a copy of this policy, legal requirements, and the parents’ opportunity to be involved will be explained.
2. A monthly school calendar will be used to inform parents of upcoming programs.
3. Information concerning the student's performance at school will be provided on the mid-term & nine-week report card or, if necessary, more frequently.
4. Parents may request a conference at any time throughout the school year. It is our goal that parents have the opportunity to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
5. Comments by parents of children participating in the Title 1 school-wide program plan shall be attached to the plan when submitted to the Local Education Agency.
Política de participación de los padres de HES
1. En la primera reunión de la PTO del nuevo año escolar, se explicará una copia de esta política, los requisitos legales y la oportunidad de participación de los padres.
2. Se utilizará un calendario escolar mensual para informar a los padres sobre los próximos programas.
3. La información sobre el desempeño de los estudiantes en la escuela se proporcionará en la boleta de calificaciones de mitad de período y de nueve semanas o, si es necesario, con mayor frecuencia.
4. Los padres pueden solicitar una conferencia en cualquier momento durante el año escolar. Nuestro objetivo es que los padres tengan la oportunidad de participar en las decisiones relacionadas con la educación de sus hijos.
5. Los comentarios de los padres de los niños que participan en el plan del programa de toda la escuela del Título 1 se adjuntarán al plan cuando se presenten a la Agencia de Educación Local.
Cumberland County Schools
Parent/Family Involvement Plan
Cumberland County Schools recognize that a child's education is a responsibility shared by the school and family. To support the goal of educating all students effectively, the school and family must work as knowledgeable partners. Although families are diverse in culture, language, and needs, they share the school's commitment to the educational success of their children.
Parental/family involvement is the participation of parents/families in regular, two-way, meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including and ensuring:
• That parents/families play an integral role in assisting their child's learning;
• That parents/families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school;
• That parents/families are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Standard 1: Welcoming all families
• All parents/families are welcomed into the school and are treated with courtesy and respect by school employees.
• Parental input concerning school activities/policies is encouraged and valued.
• Communication with parents/families will be in a language and/or form, which can be understood by the parents/families.
• An annual parent/family meeting will be held at each school to which all parents/families of participating children are invited.
• Additional meetings will be arranged at various times to give parents/
families greater opportunities for input and involvement.
• Parent meetings will be planned to address a variety of topics/concerns.
Standard 2: Communicating effectively
• In the fall of each year, with the presentation of the State Report Card, an open forum sponsored by the Board of Education will be held to inform parents/families of the academic assessment and adequate yearly progress of each school.
• The State/School Report Card will be made available online, at PTO meetings, and in the local newspaper.
• State curriculum guidelines, standards and assessment practices are discussed at parent teacher conferences or upon parent inquiry or request.
• Required notifications will be distributed to all students, parents, and families. Notifications will be sent in the child's native language.
• A student/parent handbook is provided which includes the
Parent/School Compact.
• Parents/families attend parent teacher conferences to discuss their child's educational program.
• Parent/teacher meetings are arranged at varied times to accommodate the schedule of the parent.
• Parents/families are encouraged to contact the school about programs and services offered.
• Parents/families and school employees work cooperatively to improve educational opportunities.
• The school staff advertises school activities/events through various media outlets (flyers, online, radio, newspaper).
• School calendars and classroom newsletters are distributed on a regular basis.
• Progress notes are sent home at appropriate intervals to update parents on student achievement and behavior.
• Parents whose second language is English are provided accommodations as needed.
Standard 3: Supporting student success
• Families assist in creating a parent network that fosters support for parents, students, faculty, and administration.
• Families attend parent gatherings, special events, and other activities offered by the school.
• Families respond to school surveys.
• Parents volunteer to work in the school.
• Families keep the school informed about contact information (new phone numbers, addresses) when changes occur.
• School personnel will be educated in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties with parents and the school.
• Parent/family involvement strategies will be coordinated and integrated through meetings and/or communiqués with key people from other programs, such as Head Start, Family Literacy and PK programs.
• The school system, in collaboration with parents/families, shall establish programs and practices that enhance parent/family involvement at all grade levels and reflect the specific needs of students and their families.
Standard 4: Speaking up for every child
• An annual parent/family meeting will be conducted in each school in order to evaluate parent/family involvement. The effectiveness of involvement activities, the degree of participation, and any barriers to parent/family participation will be studied. The evaluation will include parents/families at all grade levels and in a variety of roles.
• Opportunities for parent/family participation in school activities, programs, and events will be provided equally.
• Surveys pertaining to school climate will be distributed, tallied, and analyzed to determine areas of needed improvement.
• Helpful parenting tips regarding how to monitor their child's academic progress, work with their child at home and partner with their child's teacher are included in newsletters and websites.
Standard 5: Sharing power
• A Family Engagement Policy and Parent/School Compact are developed with staff and parent input.
• Parents actively participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan and parental involvement plan.
• School policies/procedures are available for parent review and input.
• Families work with the school staff and teachers to revise the perceptions of the school's climate.
• Families attend Open House and other parent engagement meetings at various times to offer suggestions for improvement and to create an educational environment that is beneficial to students.
• Varied opportunities for parental/family involvement/input in school decisions, policies, and practices will be made available.
• Parents/families of children served in Title I schools will be involved in decisions regarding the use of Title I funds reserved for parent/family involvement.
Standard 6: Collaborating with community
• To strengthen the bond between the community and school, parents/ community members are encouraged to be school volunteers.
• Community members/parents serve as resource persons for classroom activities.
• Families/students are encouraged to participate in extended learning opportunities available through varied civic groups within the community. The parent/family involvement plan is available on the system website at The plan is also available through each school's communication venue.
Homestead Elementary received $2600.72 and spent this money on Parent Handbooks.